Monday, February 22, 2010


More than 90% of back pain is caused by muscle weakness in the back or the abdomen or both. You can take care of backpain and prevent it from recurring by maintaining correct alignment and good posture into your unconscious patterns that more you through the day and by strengthening the muscle groups that sustain it.

Medical experts have found that the reason for 
lower backpain is especially due to the relentless and abnormal demands made on our backs by modern lifestyle habits. Too much sitting, and slouching around, too little exercise, overweight and chronic stress are some of the reason for occurrence of back pain. Below are some tips to help to prevent and overcome lower back pain.


The first step is to become aware of your body, so that when you're holding yourself stiff, you instantly recognize the tension in your muscles standing or sitting, you should put minimal strain on the muscles of your lower back, by pressuring the spine's natural curve.


Lift using your leg muscles, not your arms and back. If you need to pick up something heavy, like a grocery bag or a packed suitcase, bend at your knee and lift it, keeping your back straight. Outdoors, use a backpack rather than a shoulder bag, it will distribute your weight more evenly.


Bring your work, food or reading to a position that allows you to keep your eyes straight ahead, your head high, and which does not require you to crane your neck forward.


Avoid sleeping on your stomach. When the stomach sags downwards, it tends to arch your back, increasing the lumbar curve and your pain. Sleeping on your back can be similarly uncomfortable, for it tends to increase the lumbar curve.
Sleeping on the side with legs bent at knees, tends to minimize the spinal stress by straightening the lumber curve. Try placing one or two pillows under your knee, this is known as "lazy S" position, and the pillow under the knee tends to pull your hips upwards, flattening the lumbar curve and reducing the tension in this area.


Practice relaxing your back muscles, when you're sitting in one place for a long time. You can go to WF flexibility exercise to view exercises to stretch your upper and lower back. Hold the stretch for 5-10 seconds and slowly release.

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